POV female launch party and group exhibition by oodee

POV Female Tokyo by oodee

POV Female Tokyo
Book launch & Private view on the 23rd March 2012, 7pm.
At Calm & Punk Gallery, Tokyo

In presence of the photographers.

- Mayumi Hosokura
- Mirai Hara
- Mari Kojima
- Kasane Nogawa
- Emi Fukuyama

Exhibition of their projects from 23rd March till 7th April 2012.

by oodee books


oodee is releasing "POV Female Tokyo" featuring 5 female photographers in Japan in March.
i'm one of the photographer for the project, and my book "sea sick" will be released.

along with the book release,
the group exhibition will start from 3/24(fri) to 4/7(sat) at Calm & Punk Gallery, Tokyo.
there's an opening on 23rd but unfortunately, i'll be in Hawaii for a business trip,
so i won't be there but please please come check it out!
other photographers are really really amazing!

POV Female Tokyoというシリーズとしてリリースされるのですが、

POV Female Tokyoのリリースに併せ、3月23日(金)から4月7日(土)まで
西麻布のCalm&Punk Galleryにてグループ展が始まります。
私のブックは『Sea Sick』という名でリリースされます。
